Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kayitsis 111;Tanton Design No. 936.

- A recent circumnavigation of the Globe in a sistership of TYD#936, single-handed by a citizen of Turkey, proved the merit of going small; going now, as they say. Kayitsis, her name, was also built in Turkey.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Schooner Europe.

The family boat from 1967- 1971. A great boat with an adventurous past. More about it can be seen at:
My brother Dominique, age 19 bought the boat in rough shape. As can be seen on the video, she has had many re-built since. When was the last time that two people could easily handle a 72' sailboat with minimum gear and equipment?
Loved that boat!
A new rig, A Ketch / Goelette/? I rather like it.

Tanton Yacht Design is 50 years old!

  Very hard to believe.  - From being 27 years old to now and to the future. - Making me, in my field one of the oldest Design Firm in Ameri...