Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pilothouse. Sailboats.

                                      Trend TYD # 325

Illustration of Comanche

- 40 Meter Trend. TYD#325

Thursday, March 2, 2017

R.O.R.C Caribbean 600.

Peanut Butter.

The starting point for racing, lots of it. We are far from, when Edmond de Rothschild on Gitana during the 1971 Fastnet race insisted on formal dinner down below, with wine of course. Dick Carter was not pleased about it. The boat did fine, I think the fastest elapsed time from the Fastnet to the finish.

The Forgotten CLASS,

 CLASS950. With the proliferation of the various Classe's: Mini Transat; Class 40; IMOCA Class, and many others,  one has not caught on,...