Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sailing and Foiling.

You are Sailing, I am Foiling. 

-Is it in the future for a cruising monohull? I am going to propose a certain approach. Already past text in this Blog has addressed the notion of foiling see: IMOCA 60 shape and the America's Cup 2013; Imoca. Moustache ou pas? Gitana. Le Principe des nouvelles derives de l'Imoca. Also a few ideas about how to design and control the appendages; "Dutch Boy". You can find the above articles by scrolling down the Blog Site by Title.

-Have patience; it takes a little while to figure it all out.

-Understanding the principles of aero-hydro dynamics is illustrated in this Imoca 60 Class. Not exactly foiling but on its way, with all the components to achieve lifting a body out of the water.

Proposal and actually built the Figaro 3 from Beneteau, the French builder.
Again, not to fly but to offer some lift and some resistance to leeway without the swing keel component. I understand that the lifting effect of the appendage produces a reduction of 900kg. in displacement. Not a small number.


The Forgotten CLASS,

 CLASS950. With the proliferation of the various Classe's: Mini Transat; Class 40; IMOCA Class, and many others,  one has not caught on,...