Friday, July 20, 2018

In Time; my office for 40 years.

- C'est l'histoire de mon bureau a Newport R.I , USA.
I had offices in town before, but...

- Everything has an end and in this case a new beginning. After almost 40 years, President Carter and I are parting away. By this I mean I moved inside the Main Post Office at Newport for my new office to be, when President Jimmy Carter moved into the Whitehouse; that is a long time!

- This corner of America's Cup, Thames street, and the Memorial Boulevard is the location of a beautiful building from 1916. A small plaque acknowledges the dedication.
William McAdoo. Secretary of the Treasury. (sounds like a commercial for E-Trade 2018, but I digress).
-James A. Wetmore.
Acting Supervising Architect 1916.
Maybe it was mean to be for another Architect of a different kind.

- For me, the way to move into there happened when the Founder of the Yachting Museum mentioned that he was moving out of the building to relocate at the Museum site at Fort Adams.
People had no idea that rental spaces were available. So I moved in. At first sharing with another Frenchman, Bertrand Dumont a large space on the third floor. Then moved downstairs, on my own to the vacant office left by T. Benson.

-  My neighbors at the time, in this fully Federal Building where the location of NOOA; F.B.I, I think C.I.A and US. Customs handled by Mr. Monk. A legend in himself. I have stories about all the above.

The Forgotten CLASS,

 CLASS950. With the proliferation of the various Classe's: Mini Transat; Class 40; IMOCA Class, and many others,  one has not caught on,...