Thursday, July 14, 2016

Lunacy (ex Star Cruiser) is for sale.

Just happened that the weekend of my Birthday July 17th, I was visiting Handy Boat, in nearby Falmouth Foreside. We took a ride on Merle's Duffy 54 and we stumbled upon Lunacy on her mooring in Portland.

To connect directly to Charles Doane the owner, please follow the link:
- All information about the boat is on the site.
Below is a compilation of photos taken from the same site.

Note: The boat has been sold to a couple of Frenchmen for long-distance sailing. That figures!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

B&R Rigging System.

- On Sailing Anarchy, the topic about B&R rig surfaced. The following is what I wrote about it many moons ago.

Camper & Nicholsons.

 TYD#831. - A collaboration with Camper & Nicholsons in the year of 1983, to develop a Design for one of their client.  - A little bit o...