Saturday, December 2, 2017

Blue Water Ship.

-I have very much neglected this Blog over the past few months.  Many things to deal with; all good though in case you are wondering. So, before I attack another subject or even complete a few of the previous threads that have left in suspend, I am jumping in with a filler prompted by the web site.  https://www.sailing
You have to go to the site on the Cruising Forum and scroll down to the following title:
"Aluminium centerboard 46-52 blue water cruising go anywhere".

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sailing and Foiling.

You are Sailing, I am Foiling. 

-Is it in the future for a cruising monohull? I am going to propose a certain approach. Already past text in this Blog has addressed the notion of foiling see: IMOCA 60 shape and the America's Cup 2013; Imoca. Moustache ou pas? Gitana. Le Principe des nouvelles derives de l'Imoca. Also a few ideas about how to design and control the appendages; "Dutch Boy". You can find the above articles by scrolling down the Blog Site by Title.

-Have patience; it takes a little while to figure it all out.

-Understanding the principles of aero-hydro dynamics is illustrated in this Imoca 60 Class. Not exactly foiling but on its way, with all the components to achieve lifting a body out of the water.

Proposal and actually built the Figaro 3 from Beneteau, the French builder.
Again, not to fly but to offer some lift and some resistance to leeway without the swing keel component. I understand that the lifting effect of the appendage produces a reduction of 900kg. in displacement. Not a small number.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Doug Peterson RIP.

As the America's Cup today went back to New-Zealand, the Yacht Designer Doug Peterson passed away. I remember when in 1995, after the victory of the N-Z boat in San-Diego, a design team he was involved with; he told me: "Was it a licking or was it a licking". Straight forward alright, and straight forward dedication to his goal of designing some of the most "bestest" I.O.R boats of the time.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

12 Metre and J Class.


- What could have been before Intrepid, the Twelve Metre Class boat and now with the elegance of arguably the most Majestic class of Sailboats, the J's.

- With such an introduction I might have to explain something.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Great Loop Cruiser. What do you think?

When you don't know?
Difficult choices and many questions about what is the ideal Great Loop Cruiser. I think I had the answer when I won the International Design Competition sponsored by the magazine Passagemaker and the Westlawn School for Yacht Design.
If specifically not drawn for the G.L.C, nevertheless this "Trawler" seems to me like a great candidate for a voyage taking you from salty seas to brackish deltas, to freshwater. The name is more associated with fishing the high seas rather than anything else, so maybe she can become the "Traweller".

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Ron Holland! Guess what?

Ron was in town last week. That is Ron Holland, one of the most talented Yacht Designer in the world. We go back something like 45 years. First, I met him at the Tower, the Carter Offshore office; submarine observation look out for U. Boats during WW11. At the time Dick Carter was at the top of the rarified world of yacht design and we always had a string of visitors and clients. Subsequently, I saw him in Sardinia during the 1973 One Ton World Championship. Where Ydra, a Carter boat won. Let to be said that another upcoming young yacht designer; Doug Peterson stole the show by coming in second, but would have won the event except for a mistake in navigation.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The List.

- Have plenty of paper in your tray.

- My old Website bit the dust when the server company got to be sold. The migration of the content to the new site was very unsatisfactory, prompting to develop a new one. This takes time and will not be in full running mode for a while. But do not despair, it will be done. So, in a measure of continuity and to lessen the disruption, I am opening this Blog with a list covering most of the Design work that has been done over so many years.

- New Website@:
Work in progress as they say.

- Yes, the List is a little hard to figure out because of the chronological order of the Plans without differentiation if you are looking for something specific. Like for example Powerboats; or Sailboats between 40 and 50 feet, etc. This will come when due. Meantime, here it is and where we are.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Les Voiles de St. Barth.

Proteus ahead of Bella Mente... view from our villa.

Pictures by Dominique Tanton.
Logistics and Onshore Chef for the Proteus Team.

Thursday, April 13, 2017


- Perusing through the site, there are a few Tanton's boats for sale or with pending sales.
I thought that I would show them to you. With the exception of a T45 and the Pen-Gwyn below, the mentioned used boats shown on under the Search keyword name: Tanton, are not in my Central Listing, therefore if interested you ought to contact the Listing Broker for the individual boat. If the boats are not my Central, I charge a fee of $500.00 to assist Brokers, Buyers to have information related to the boat or any other boats in the World, if you wish. Including available original drawings if available.

                                                                 Tanton 45 Ft Lauderdale FL.

- She does not look, but she is a project boat. With the main issue of a very wet deck. Now, other more minor problems are also apparent. So, she is available for a hard-working and knowledgeable worker with time and money to buy her "as is, where is". The boat is docked at the owner's house and can remain there for a while and for free. Sounds good? Drop me a note, and I can send you all the whole pictures and specifications.  I have to emphasize; the vessel needs work.

- Update: The boat is out of the market. The owner has decided on a total refit.

Here is the P-G 38' Ketch.
Steel construction with twin keels.
     Located in Charleston, SC.                

- A little side story: The Brokerage was established in 1975, one year after the Yacht Design Business.

- It started strong with my two favorite Brokers. Over a short period, they sold many boats.
Unfortunately the "cheptel" of boats to sell where slim at the time.

- Remember, it was long ago, and I encouraged them to look to stronger, busier Yacht Brokerage Businesses. One went to Sparkman and Stephens, the other to Bartram and Brakenhoff. To let them go for what I thought was the best for them and is one of the worst business decisions I made in my life. Oh well!

- So, on my own, I have been operating this sideline ever since. Mostly about my own designed boats, and occasionally other types.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

St. Barth. Bucket 2017.

Photos by Dominique Tanton.
Logistic and Onshore Chef for the J Class boat Topaz. To feed and lodge 32-36 people.

It is hard to associate empty shelves at Gustavia, Saint Barthelemy with the Bucket series of races for some of the largest, most expensive sailing yachts in the world. But no worries, the above caption was due to bad weather preventing the dairy boat to come in with supplies; the rest is all caviar and Burger in Paradise.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pilothouse. Sailboats.

                                      Trend TYD # 325

Illustration of Comanche

- 40 Meter Trend. TYD#325

Thursday, March 2, 2017

R.O.R.C Caribbean 600.

Peanut Butter.

The starting point for racing, lots of it. We are far from, when Edmond de Rothschild on Gitana during the 1971 Fastnet race insisted on formal dinner down below, with wine of course. Dick Carter was not pleased about it. The boat did fine, I think the fastest elapsed time from the Fastnet to the finish.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Ragtime Hull Design with Blender.

I am not familiar with the Blender program but I found it by chance on You Tube. I am not ready to learn about another way to design a boat via another electronic pencil; at least not yet. My interest lays in the subject chosen; a couple of my drawings that Paolo Furani is using with Blender. I do not know Paolo Furani from Italy, but I appreciate the fact that he took upon himself to develop my projects with Blender. Thank you.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Christmas, New Year et tutti quanti.

Do you remember  when after the Summer Vacation, the first task back at school is to describe what you have been doing during the summer  season. Well, the practice stops early on since nobody would volunteer past a certain age to ask what you had actually been doing.
For Christmas, New year not much time to get into trouble, but here it is. Just enough.
My son Chauncey, has a house in Charleston in South Carolina. He actually lives in New-York City, but after a long detour for extended family future I hope, he picked me up in Newport R.I. and we drove of. We had done the trip before, but on the day before Christmas it not the easiest way to get on the road. Riding South, having to go around N-Y, Washington D.C and with everything in between, eventually we had to stop in a real flee back Motel by 3 in the morning. Five hours later, back on the road again.
I like Charleston. Usually, for me a stop over on boat deliveries when the season turns to go South again for the large migrant fleet from the North and from Newport in particular.
Christmas came. Received presents, but did not gave any. My contribution: to feed; cook and liquor the whole lot for a week and half. I thought a fair deal for five people.
My daughter Dominique  escaped the Holidays by being Chef on Topaz, the majestic J Class boat in St. Marteen and the B.V.I. Altogether the best.

Well, Chauncey worked on the house. Sefton, his half brother and I cleaned the yard, cleared all debris; a good thing. But the highlight was about the boat. The delivery from Harbor Spring Michigan of the Lone Star 14', an aluminum launch. Built in 1955, with an 18 H-P Johnson outboard of the same age. We managed to spend on safety gear just to be legal 1/4 of the boat value. Including miscellaneous equipment, fenders, dock lines etc. West Marine here we go again. That figures. Anyhow, launching came. The boat is riveted  and it was a relieve to see no leaks. We had a beer baptism and Ammy broke the aluminum can on the aluminum boat.

Camper & Nicholsons.

 TYD#831. - A collaboration with Camper & Nicholsons in the year of 1983, to develop a Design for one of their client.  - A little bit o...