Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Doug Peterson RIP.

As the America's Cup today went back to New-Zealand, the Yacht Designer Doug Peterson passed away. I remember when in 1995, after the victory of the N-Z boat in San-Diego, a design team he was involved with; he told me: "Was it a licking or was it a licking". Straight forward alright, and straight forward dedication to his goal of designing some of the most "bestest" I.O.R boats of the time.


  1. Well, thank you. There is a lot to learn. Recently, we have lost Britton Chance, Ed Dubois; Doug Peterson. An era that cannot duplicated, when an Amateur you could actually build a boat and create legacies. Aka Doug, Ron and before Dick Carter.

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Camper & Nicholsons.

 TYD#831. - A collaboration with Camper & Nicholsons in the year of 1983, to develop a Design for one of their client.  - A little bit o...