Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sailboats paintings.

Foot note.

- I have Professionally designed boats since 1966. I do not want to age myself but for that period of time, most of the design work was simply, not so simple; on 2 dimensions paper and pencil or ink on vellum and Mylar; with a third dimension in my brain to visualize contours, perspectives and nuances.

- Thirty years later, 1996 computers in my office took fully over the design process. For the good or the bad, entire generations, history and talent went from hand drawing to pushing buttons.

- I do not want to dwell on it but, this is what took me to go painting! Where I can use "Through Hand and Eyes" to paraphrase the title of  Ted Hood's book to exercise the certain form of creativity of mine.

- Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez.


                                                                        TYD#450. -  6m. 19'-8" L.O.D, the smallest boat, that I wou...