Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Test my I.M.O.C.A's to the start of the Vendee Globe 2024.

Model NO. 2024 - This is a re-launch on the subject of my own IMOCA's Designs, from 2020, up to the Vendee Globe 2024.
MODEL 2024

- I have neglected the issue for many other reasons, but I have not stopped drawing 

developments as I observed the evolution of the Class in 2020 to 2024. 

For earlier designed versions 2020; 2021; 2022s; 2023. Please. 

Search: IMOCA

You will see a list of writing and Designs materials dedicated to that previous period of time.

-Now, I will reopen the dialogue with the last Model drafted in 2024.

Camper & Nicholsons.

 TYD#831. - A collaboration with Camper & Nicholsons in the year of 1983, to develop a Design for one of their client.  - A little bit o...