Monday, October 1, 2012

12 METRE North American Championship.

- I am a little late now, but a couple of weekends ago some of the heavies of the past America's Cup and Twelve Meter came to Newport. Ted Turner in the Classic Division, Dennis Conner and Tom Whidden in the Grand Prix Division. Victory 83, owned by Dennis Williams won the Modern division. Alan Hanover won the Traditional division. I have fond memories sailing the Twelves aboard Constellation, Sovereign and Kurrewa. Thanks to the A.F.C.A and Baron Bich, I was able to complete the French National Service, designed for A. Mauric, sailed as often as possible and pursue studies at the E.N.S.M with emphasis on Tank testing. Good, solid two years.


  1. Did yoy met Felix Aubry de la Nöe in the french Baron Bich' Twelves Team ? He published some memories a few years ago untitles "L'équiper".




                                                                        TYD#450. -  6m. 19'-8" L.O.D, the smallest boat, that I wou...