Friday, March 21, 2014

Dick Carter Design. Memories.

- Last Saturday I had the pleasure of visiting Dick Carter, my boss at Carter Offshore for over 3 years.

-Guess what? We talked about boats and how things have changed. It was a memory lane with the main topic being over Rules guiding the Sport. I mean handicap rules. Let's not forget D. Carter started the I.O.R. The goal was to merge the American C.C. A  with the British R.O.R.C.

- I join this article in French about Dick Carter and his era. It gives a good account of the early days.

- I forgot to tell you. The visit was prompted by my desire to have Dick Carter write a book about his Designs; Carter Offshore and the events about his life after.

-Two years later it is done or almost. It is all my fault as he told me on the phone today. Hard work indeed to put something together like an illustrated book and place your life and memories in the open.
 Dick Carter- Yacht-Designer.
In the Golden Age of Offshore Racing.

Hard Cover - Release August 3, 2018.
Now available as pre-order and sold at

- Also, read on this Blog:
- Dick Carter 1928-
- History Seahorse.
- Carter 37.

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