Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Another Half Hull from Demi-Coques aka Chorus1, this time about the 1973 Admiral's Cup Frigate. Designed by Carter Offshore, the 39' in that event was the leading boat for the English team.

Frigate distinction comes from the overall clean approach in the design, be the hull shape, the clear deck for easy working area and low windage. With the sail controls led to a battery of winches distributed on the bridge deck at the forward end of the cockpit.

The German Team of Rubin, Saudade and Carina111 (another Carter Design) won the 1973 Admiral's Cup,the world's championship in International Ocean Racing.

Now, Frigate is part of the "Patrimoine Maritime de France", like Historic Buildings in the USA. Quite a feat to have an American Design, English built and owned in 1973, passing to France heritage. It must not have happened since capturing British ships during the Napoleonic wars.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Taste of winter in Newport.

To say the least we have seen a lot of snow over the past 3-4 weeks. A few pictures are worth a thousand words.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Une vie bien remplie. 1922-2014.

 It has been a year since my mother passed away. We all miss her very much, Chauncey my son, Dominique my daughter and for sure myself along with so many friends on both sides of the Atlantic. The following is what I wrote at the funeral in the South of France in the city of Grasse.

12 February 2014.
Mesdames et Messieurs. Ladies and Gentlemen.
Je vous remercie beaucoup d'etre venus, en grand nombre, ici pour assister au depard final d'une vie bien remplie. Mme Jacqueline Le Liepvre, du nom de son deuxieme epoux, etait une femme qui n'est pas passee innapercue et qui comptait beaucoup d'amis de par le monde. Je suis ici pour en attester. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas toute l'histoire, je vais essayer de donner un compte rendu rapide d'une vie longue de 92 ans.
Nee en Belgique ses parents, mes grand parents etaient comme on dit des gens tres bien. L'un aussi different l'un de l'autre mais unis dans un amour sincere ils ont eleves deux enfants, ma mere mais aussi mon oncle Yves ici present avec son epouse et ma cousine Florence. L'enfance de ma mere etait plutot doree. En partie grace a sa grand mere pour laquelle elle avait un affection sans limite. Avec une jeunesse consacree a la dance et a des etudes sans consequence, rien n'aurait pu presager a un autre future que celui d'une jeune femme accomplie batie sur son role de jeune fille de bonne famille.

The Forgotten CLASS,

 CLASS950. With the proliferation of the various Classe's: Mini Transat; Class 40; IMOCA Class, and many others,  one has not caught on,...