Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Origami. Imagiro Boats. Inquiring Minds need to know.

- January 12, 2018. 

Up to date. Sending a set of drawings to Turkey. The customer first contacted me in 2012. So, he is serious about actually doing her. Building a boat; any boats is a serious business. You place your life on a trajectory equivalent to go into space Time. The moment for this design started in 1998; I believe enough time to go to Mars with a return ticket. Forget the last part.

This is all about Origami/ Imagiro boats via Rhino.
I look at it as a brain exercise.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Window dressing.

The Ides of March.
Sun on Sunset sets West. Surprise, surprise!
A few times when I can catch it from the office before it is to late, until tomorrow.
Sun is down, life goes on.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Boat Design of the Month. March 2016.

Regularly or not, I will introduce boats that have been very influential in my life. Having studied 55 years of yacht designs since a very young age as you can imagine, I have been all over the place and like to these days to R& D's the source and for sure coming with my own, very own interpretation and hopefully improvements that I have learnt, it seems for ever as a Professional Yacht Designer. The first one is Oceanus.
If you do not know this sailboat, you have not dug out one of the Masters; William Garden, who passed away a few years ago. A long life, a multitude of projects built in all kind of shapes and forms,
in all forms of material and with a flair attained over a life time.
Garden designed Oceanus for his own use, designed on the floor of a house he was building on his private island. The drawings developed into a  sailboat 60' long x 12' in the beam x 6'-8" draft and with a sail area of 1000 sq/ft.

Below is what I believe the first write-up about the boat inside the 1955 Yachting Magazine, with well defined intention, method and execution.


                                                                        TYD#450. -  6m. 19'-8" L.O.D, the smallest boat, that I wou...