Monday, September 28, 2020

Custom Boat Design.

- What is the best way to start a custom boat design?

- Being someone involved at 98% with individuals boats, there is pattern that one must follow.

- The project has to be fun because, it is pretty expensive. So, you may as well enjoy the process for the price.

- But, it has to start from the client with a realistic approach about cost, timing and have some firm ideas about the boat itself.

- Fortunately the clientele for customs boats is in general well informed and, very likely had many yachts beforehand.

- From my side, before embarking on a new project, I definitely communicate the process by engaging the customer to consider something I have done before among the many designs in his category for a possible match. And maybe with some modifications to lower cost of design and engineering.

- In reality it leads to a new Design but with elements gathered over a long time designing hundred of yachts.

- After a reality check essentially based on Displacement for cost, and maybe a look at the used market for a low figure knowing that a new boat is considerably more expensive.

- I encourage the Owner to draw a sketch along with some specification to determine the scoop of the subject and therefore give me a notion where we are going.

- As an example below, C. Q who already owns a 66' of my design and, with firm ideas about a bigger version submitted the following drawing.


- This represents an excellent start by corralling the main ingredients; a sailplan, elevation, deck and accommodation plan. The rest is up to me to sense the possible, the pitfalls and deliver a safe, fast and very often a unique product for the Owner satisfaction.

- Sometimes, there is more than a crude drawing.

- After buying the basic plans for an existing successful boat that we both felt would be a good candidate, I included Cad and Rhino files; he came back with the following renderings showing his interpretation. 

- The client is a house Architect so, benefit of the same tools we are using with the ability to supplement to the work for his own benefit.

- Certainly, I will follow through the adventure to supply additional drawings as required, but also guidance and supervision at a distance, for the completion of this current project.

-This is another project I am working on.
After an around the world on a 57' sailboat, the client approached me for his next yacht.
A few sketches, including this one indicated a length of 66.5'. This based on an earlier design of mine TYD#921, a 68' that he would like to duplicate on a smaller scale.

- Join us on the post: 20 Meter Sailboat. Work in progress
(to be continued).

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