Monday, September 19, 2022

IMOCA 2024

- Vendee 2024, marching along. If you read my previous meanderings about I.M.O.C.A (trolled down), you know that I am a big fan of the Class. In an effort to follow through, and from my own point of view, I start again the count down towards the next race. 

- So, with your indulgence for my own derivatives, having not submitted some of them in questions to the Class Rules main body; I submit this study. 

- As usual, for competitive sailboats Designs, I start with different 3Ds Models, analyzing the shapes in space. With controlling points being the main object of attention. You have to stroll down to see models from 2019 to 2023 leading to the 2024 event on top of this dissertation.

. I have to make clear that I followed in some instances, the evolution in reality, for what I have been made aware by publication; social media; comments and research.

-TYD#22. YEAR 2022


    - It is apparent that the newest IMOCA's have gained weight. The given explanation is that the 

increased size and complication with the internal system to launch and retrieve the appendages, along 

with the strengthening of the structure to be able to resist some serious damage caused by hitting objects 

in the water. 

- To reduce the added weight, I further reduced the overall beam, but carried it forward to a full 

station, riding on a longer chine line in contact with the flow. 

- The narrower beam allows for longer foils to be extracted to the the Rule limit, presenting  an 

improvement  from the previous version. Again, the shortening of the waterline length is associated 

with a deeper rocker in the mid section.

TYD#21. YEAR 2021

                                                                          GREY WOLF.

- It should be noted that for the proposed models, and for convenience sake; keel; rudders; sail plan; 

displacement are equivalent. The foils, now mandatory for performance are under modifications as 

we go along. Concentration for this study is essentially based on hull shapes.

- Grey Wolf differs over the 2 previous IMOCA presented, by having a shorter length on the water, with longer forward overhang and therefore a squarish load waterline forward. The chine line is also dropped going towards the stern. The hull profile has more rocker on centerline, consequences of the shorter static waterline for a given displacement.

- TYD#20. Years 2019-2020

MODEL 2020

                              BLACK MAMBA.

Renderings are works in progress.

- Below, I mentioned the evolution of the foils since their introduction, leading hull shapes to an entirely new level of efficient association.

- Black Mambas.

- It will be noted, first a reduction from the maximum beam of 5.85M with longer foils resulting in 

increased righting moment, where the hull does not have to be the main ingredient for stability.

- Also, the introduction of a modified bow, with the adoption of a radically shortened static waterline 

length with an up turn in stem profile, but preserving a sharp entry at the bottom.

- To be noted also is the aim to protect the navigator as much as possible from the elements, by adopting 

a longer coach roof. 

- TYD#19. Year 2019.

- As you might know, and as a preamble, mast, keel blade; not the bulb; outriggers are off the shelf. consequence the boat design concentrates around the shell, deck; construction; handling and ergonomics. Pursuing the Design, Naval Architecture and Styling and now, more and more on the foils. Therefore for my own education, the evolution goes from TYD#19; 20;21;22;23 towards Year 2204.

- #19.  As above. TheModel started in 2019, prior the Vendee 2020-2021. Probably the last of a breed with the longer waterline with fuller bow and not yet to adopt the spatula bow of further modeling.

- It became evident that foiling was the main area of interest along with the introduction of a more or less bulbous bow, the scow aspect of this design being minimized by the limits in width, located at a certain distance aft of the stem. The hull shape above shows the limitation.

- Another point is that the overall beam is close to the maximum allowable under the Rule. So, her shape is powerful, to counter react the limited understanding at the time, for the foils to be fully effective in lifting the boat to reduce the wetted surface.

- The Chine Line is straightforward, dictated by her best angle of heel.

TO see:

Old write-up on this Blog. Search.

-  Avec la flopée de nouveaux bateaux volants pour le Vendee Globe 2022, il y a quelques vieux Imocas avec des derives droites. Il est peut être temps de réintroduire quelques possibilités d'ameliorations entrevues il y a quelques années.

- Model year 2010/

NOTE: MACIF was the winner in the 2012 event.

- Aussi, a revoir sur ce Blog.

I.M.O.C.A 2020/ Vendee Globe Race/ M.Y. I.M.O.C.A

Vendee Globe Race, starting today for the next 3 months.

IMOCA. Moustache ou pas?

IMOCA 60, shape and America's Cup 2013

Vendee Globe 2012. In 24 hrs; 545.3 miles.



Macif (2012) straight boards. Renderings April 2013.

                                                      - The idea at the time, was to convert the straight boards into lifting boards. This is one configuration I favored.  Cut the board in half, keeping the top part to combat leeway and bend the bottom to form a lifting device. The sharp V may be softened by a curve instead. I believe a Mini Transat has a similar configuration. Certainly a lot more of simulation would have to be done to adopt a solution. One advantage besides the conversion of the leeboards themselves, the points of exit and entrance by ways of the case do not need modification.

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