Friday, February 10, 2023

Publications over the years.

- 1996 

- 1991 Sea Horse.


-1986 Sight Sailer.

Pen-Gwyn. 1986.

- Whisper. 1984

- Doomsday Maxi. 1980

- Tanton 43. 1979.

- Adelaide E. 1979.

- Ocean Going Volkswagen- 1979.

- Desperado 1977 U.L.D.B

- Dyer DT. 1977.

- Half-Ton 1977.

- 66 Ft. U.L.D.B 1977.

- Anitra 60Ft. 1977.

- 2 Ton. 1976.

- MORC 1976.

- Marrakesh Express. One Ton.

 - Cruising 38.

 - When I officially opened my office in Newport, R.I, in January 1974, there is also a new endeavor by Murray Davis, the creator with his wife of Cruising World.  I got to be published for the first time in the US in this publication started in Murray's house basement.

- The 38ft was designed with the view, then still very conservative of a double ender with a long keel. But this show was already taken over in a big way, by Bob Perry and Chuck Paine. I was now lower on the totem pole, after having been their boss at Carter Offshore, the Dick Carter Design Office that I had joined in early March of 1971.

(to be continued).

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Camper & Nicholsons.

 TYD#831. - A collaboration with Camper & Nicholsons in the year of 1983, to develop a Design for one of their client.  - A little bit o...