Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Forgotten CLASS,


With the proliferation of the various Classe's: Mini Transat; Class 40; IMOCA Class, and many others, 

one has not caught on, the Class950.

-And this is my latest.

-But, by strolling down, you can view my previous efforts, going back to 2009.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Test my I.M.O.C.A's to the start of the Vendee Globe 2024.

Model NO. 2024 - This is a re-launch on the subject of my own IMOCA's Designs, from 2020, up to the Vendee Globe 2024.
MODEL 2024

- I have neglected the issue for many other reasons, but I have not stopped drawing 

developments as I observed the evolution of the Class in 2020 to 2024. 

For earlier designed versions 2020; 2021; 2022s; 2023. Please. 

Search: IMOCA

You will see a list of writing and Designs materials dedicated to that previous period of time.

-Now, I will reopen the dialogue with the last Model drafted in 2024.

Friday, March 1, 2024

From the Cloud.

 - TYD#202/20002.

L.O.A 52'-8" x L.W.L 46'-8" x Beam 14'-6" x Draft 6'-5".

Beautiful work by Kanter.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Tanton Yacht Design is 51 years old!


Very hard to believe. 

- From being 27 years old to now, and to the future.

- Making, in my field one of the oldest Design Firm in America. Sparkman and Stephens being the "doyen".

- Yes, I work mostly by myself, but at times I had very good helpers to contribute my wayward ways of going about things. 

Steve Baker of Jamestown and Jeremy McGeary come to mind. Very good indeed on the Design side.

I am not mentioning people involved with my Boat Building and Brokerage Ventures. Lets say that I also got involved with 3 start ups, others entities about boats, material and construction.


                                                                        TYD#450. -  6m. 19'-8" L.O.D, the smallest boat, that I wou...